Thursday 22 September 2011

Enjoy the Journey!

Whilst reading some of the Fitness press the other day ("Boot Camp", "Next Level", "RaiseThe Bar", etc) I came across a nugget that struck me as relevant....

Walking to work....working the walk

No doubt, you, like me, have read lots of articles about fitness, nutrition, weight loss and health.  But amongst this week's insights into fat loss, fads, and fitness was a comment from Holly Rigsby, author of Fit Yummy Mummy!  
The view from the office...
Holly reckons - "Too often we get hung up on 'getting results', as if they were a fixed end point.....Appreciating the process is just as important as achieving your goals.  Enjoy the journey; recognise and celebrate the small successes along the way.  These are the changes that are key to true and lasting results."  (my italics)
Autumn sun at the Water Gardens, Bushy Park
 Well, Holly's words really struck a chord with me.  I think they are so relevant to Nordic Walking.  I often tell new walkers that it may be weeks, or months, before tangible "improvements" to their fitness is noticeable.  Some people obviously want faster improvements to whatever has motivated them to start Nordic Walking.  So, while we walk and await improved muscle tone or weight loss or pain relief (all experienced by Nordic Walkers I know), I try to interest people in their surroundings.... ENJOY the JOURNEY!
Esher Common

For example, the walkers on Esher Common are on a Fit As A Fiddle (over-50s) programme to encourage people to take more exercise.  What many of them said this week was, that they hadn't realised all this beautiful countryside was only a few yards from their regular commuting routes.  So, while they are getting fitter, they are also exploring beauty spots on their doorstep. (More Nordic Walking details below). Enjoy the Journey!
"Do you think they can see me?"  
 Back in our usual Nordic Walking haunts like Bushy Park, even our regular walkers are captivated by the changing seasons and the interaction with wildlife.  I've probably seen those deer in the photo dozens of times in the last year.  But I have never seen them looking like that.  There is always something to surprise and interest walkers.  And so, there is also a motivation to keep coming back, week after week, even if "results" aren't immediate.
Heron hunting
I also have worked with people recovering from strokes, who are trying hard to regain mobility and fitness. I've found these people are very motivated and very keen to see improvements.  But, often they compare their current fitness levels with the pre-stroke situation, and feel they are getting nowhere fast.
Heron posing

However, when I point out the progress made since they started Nordic Walking, they invariably realise that they have vastly improved over the weeks.  I use a pedometer to prove that only a few weeks before they had struggled to walk 500 metres, but are now coping well with 1500! "CELEBRATE the small SUCCESSES along the way!"

However, you don't have to wait until you have a problem before trying Nordic Walking. In fact, prevention is better than cure!   This week I have walked with people aged from 18 to 82! For my part, I have learned a great deal from people heading off to University, and from others who are retired professors! 

The key message is "ENJOY the JOURNEY".    Life isn't a rehearsal!

This site gives details of regular fitness walks for over-50s in Surrey and Hampshire - 

If you want to try Nordic Walking in the Surrey/Middlesex area, please get in touch, or find a group here - 


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