Wednesday, 18 January 2012

So long....

Sunny Scarborough, on the Cleveland Way

I'm currently packing up in preparation for an imminent move to the South Atlantic!  For more details see -

I may resume this blog later, but in the meantime, I'd like to thank all those wonderful people I've worked with in the last 2 years.  It really has been a pleasure.

I've received many kind words of appreciation from those who have benefitted from Nordic Walking, so that has made my role very rewarding.  I've also received this message (below) from the Lensbury - a private club in Teddington, where I started 2 years ago, with 2 clients, in the snow!


To Whom It May Concern

Peter Young has conducted Nordic Walking sessions to our members for the past 2 years. The offering is for complete beginners to a high physical standard. He is professional, friendly and motivational and employs empathy when required. The numbers to our classes have grown significantly over this time and he has worked tirelessly to ensure the benefits, both physical and social are educated to all our members.
We wish Peter all the best in his new venture and hope that we have the opportunity to work with him again in the future.

Yours in Health

Jo Howitt
Leisure Manager
The Lensbury

So, many thanks for all the lovely messages and wonderful moments.  Please continue (or take up!) Nordic Walking.  You WILL enjoy it!  Especially if you learn from Kay Speakman!

And Elin Sandal and Charlotte Rehn are also great Instructors, in the Richmond/Surrey area.

And, as a penguin might say - So Long and thanks for all the fish!


"Has he gone yet?"